Saturday, February 5, 2011

Slow Down!!!

You might see the title, Slow Down, and think I'm talking to all of you crazy teenage drivers out there.  Yes, Katie Nixon, I'm talking to you! ;)  But, I'm actually talking about me.  Not about my driving abilities, although I have been known to put the petal to the metal, but about my life.  This week, as many of you have experienced, has been a blizzard of a time.  Literally.  My husband and I put a yard stick outside our front door, and at one point it was buried with snow!  I have been forced to slow down.  With the roads being iced over, businesses closed, and sonic happy hour not available, I have been forced to stay home.  I have had to slow down, relax, and just breathe!  Sometimes I think God has to create a snowpocalypse in order to get my attention.  It's as if He says, "Courtney, quit sprinting all day long and realize that I will carry you."

What about you?  Are you still running?  Do you need to just sit with Him for a while?  Maybe you are running from Him.  I will let you in on a little secret.  You can't outrun our Lord.  He continually pursues you, is chasing after you, and wants to be your everything.  Slow Down!  The light is not green.